Monday, March 28, 2011

Last 3 Firsts

Finally!!! I was able to finish my list but barely meeting the deadline.

First Thing # 28 - Attend a Ting Hun

Last month, I got a text from my friend, Ailee, inviting me to her and Jon's ting hun. I didn't have any idea what a ting hun was, but I said yes to the invitation. I later learned that it's basically a formal Chinese engagement party.

However, due to tradition, lots of preparation goes into it. According to, both families prepare traditional gifts for each other such as jewelry, cake, fruits, etc. Then the bride has to serve tea to the groom's family in order of seniority.

So what was our role in all of this? Nothing, really. (The guests were seated at one side of the room, while the formal ceremony was going on.) Main requirement is that we enjoy ourselves and celebrate this wonderful event with the couple.

First Thing # 29 - Contribute to a Daily or Magazine
I've written articles before for the school paper, but this is the first time I've tried submitting something for a widely-read magazine, such as Reader's Digest.

It's nothing major and I'm not even sure I'll get published, but here's what I submitted:

It was our father's birthday, so we all went out for lunch. Except for a brother who was not able to come home for the holidays, all of us children were with him in the car.

He then got a text message, which read: "Happy Birthday, Pa." He wondered out loud, "Who could have sent this?"

Told you nothing major, haha! But it'd be really cool to read my name in the magazine one of these days.

First Thing # 30 - Take a Walking Tour of Binondo

For my birthday, I decided to do something different: roam the city streets. I'm really not a fan of going to unfamiliar parts of the city, much less using public transport to get there. However, I promised myself that I will try to see as many places in my own country this year.

So my brother and I decided to go to Binondo and walk around Manila's Chinatown. It's the first time I've been there so we went on a food trip and also visited some of the old churches in the area. I was a bit tempted to ride in one of the horse-drawn carriages, but I had to take pity on the horse who'd feel the full force of my weight.

To me though, walking around the area also felt like walking back to history. Back in the Spanish times, it's the place where the Spanish permitted the Chinese mestizos to stay and it also used to be the center of financial community. I just love going to a place where history meets the present.

Visiting Binondo is not just the only First Thing I did today. It was also my first time to ride the LRT-2 from end to end, and it was also the first time I rode in LRT-1.

The best thing I've learned from this whole experiment/experience is never to fear going out of your comfort zone as it opens yourself up to more learning opportunities and expands your horizon. Life is short and we really need to live it to the fullest.

Here's to more new and exciting things in the coming years! =)

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