Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mind Your Manners

I'm sure most of us have known these things since we were little kids. But apparently, some people grew up in the jungle together with Tarzan, that they need to be taught these few basic rules:

1. When you cough, sneeze, or burp, please learn to say 'Excuse me' and always cover your mouth! It's bad enough that you're making those disgusting noises. Don't shower us with your germs, too.

2. Always say 'Thank you'. And this should be replied with, 'You're welcome'. Say 'I'm sorry' when you bump into someone or accidentally step on their foot. Don't pretend like nothing happened. 'Thank you', 'You're welcome', and 'I'm sorry' -- Learn these words by heart.

3. Don't talk when your mouth is full. No, that's not multi-tasking when you chew and speak at the same time. We really don't want to see how efficient your incisors and molars are in grinding food.

4. Don't be a litterbug. If you throw something on the street, a housekeeping fairy won't clean up after you and make your trash magically disappear. The world is not your own personal garbage can, so stop acting like it is.

5. Practice some elevator courtesy. Let those getting off the elevator (or lift, if you want to be all British) pass first before you go barging in. There's nothing scarier than being met by a mob in a tiny, enclosed space.

6. If you can help it, never be late for anything. Who wants to be a lady-in-waiting? No one.

That's all for now. But you bet I'll add more to this list in case I bump into those people who have either been raised by wolves or grew up in a bomb shelter.

1 comment:

  1. I remember one more:

    Fall in line. I hate it when I'm in front of the fastfood counter talking to the server, and the next person stands right beside me or real close to me. Personal space, anyone?
