Thursday, December 30, 2010

So Not Worth It

I can't believe it was absolute crap. I had my hopes up for this one, waiting for its release for a couple of months now, but it was such an absolute let-down. It was trying so hard to be an art film, and failing miserably.

The plot was pretty basic, but the (inexperienced) director dragged it on to an hour or so of snoozefest. They took a lot of artsy and close-up shots but the cast (especially the lead) didn't have the depth to be able to get away with scenes like this.

The costume design looks a bit off and they could do with a bit more research. And don't let me get started on the dialogues. I don't think people in the 20s uttered sentences like this: "Ang galing mo pala'ng mag-piano." Maybe, they said something like this? "Mahusay ka pala'ng tumugtog ng piano." But what should I know, I never lived in the 20s.

In short, I was sorely disappointed (and to think I have not seen the entire movie). I'm not so sure why the ratings board gave it an A.

If you're going to watch any movie for the Metro Manila Film Festival, just watch Tanging Ina. It's mindless entertainment and it doesn't pretend to be something more than that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I don't think people in the 20s uttered sentences like this: "Ang galing mo pala'ng mag-piano." Maybe, they said something like this? "Mahusay ka pala'ng tumugtog ng piano."
    That is a good and witty observation..... iba ka talaga dais!

