My 2010 was very eventful and memorable, to say the least. In the last few moments of the year, I find myself wistful recounting those memories and looking back to the year that was. So, here is my Best in 2010 list in pictures:
Best ka-bonding: My brother, Carlo. Manila would've been much more unbearable without him.
Best vacation: Bohol! Got to do lots of crazy things with the best travel buddies.
Best day: My 30th birthday. Together with my 18th, this year's the best celebration ever!
Best healthy addiction: Running. Too bad I wasn't able to join any fun runs in the latter part of the year.
Best thing about my new job: Traveling around the country. I'd never have gone to these places in the last 4 months if not for my job. There really is a silver lining. Always.
Best place to relax and unwind: The beach. Hearing the sound of waves and seeing the blue waters immediately brings me to a good place.
Best Eureka! moment: Coming up with the First Things List. It made me get off my ass and try new things everyday.
Best discovery: New friends. They make the daily grind tolerable, and the boring days interesting.
Best scrapbook moment/s: Cementing old friendships. Like wine, friendships only get better in time.
Best fearless decision: Taking the FSO exam for the first time. Although I didn't make it past the 3rd stage, I'm proud to have made it that far.
Best 'Dear Diary' moment: Good to note that this year, I met someone I really like after a long, long time. Let's just leave it at that. =)
Best returning habit: Blogging. Old habits die hard, and I'm glad to be back writing about stuff here. This is one habit I'll definitely won't let go of next year.
That's just a few of the great (and not so great) things that happened to me this year. Here's to more wonderful and greater adventures in 2011! Cheers! =)
Best ka-bonding: My brother, Carlo. Manila would've been much more unbearable without him.
Best vacation: Bohol! Got to do lots of crazy things with the best travel buddies.
Best day: My 30th birthday. Together with my 18th, this year's the best celebration ever!
Best healthy addiction: Running. Too bad I wasn't able to join any fun runs in the latter part of the year.
Best thing about my new job: Traveling around the country. I'd never have gone to these places in the last 4 months if not for my job. There really is a silver lining. Always.
Best place to relax and unwind: The beach. Hearing the sound of waves and seeing the blue waters immediately brings me to a good place.
Best Eureka! moment: Coming up with the First Things List. It made me get off my ass and try new things everyday.
Best discovery: New friends. They make the daily grind tolerable, and the boring days interesting.
Best scrapbook moment/s: Cementing old friendships. Like wine, friendships only get better in time.
Best fearless decision: Taking the FSO exam for the first time. Although I didn't make it past the 3rd stage, I'm proud to have made it that far.
Best 'Dear Diary' moment: Good to note that this year, I met someone I really like after a long, long time. Let's just leave it at that. =)
Best returning habit: Blogging. Old habits die hard, and I'm glad to be back writing about stuff here. This is one habit I'll definitely won't let go of next year.
That's just a few of the great (and not so great) things that happened to me this year. Here's to more wonderful and greater adventures in 2011! Cheers! =)