Sunday, January 04, 2015

52-week Financial Challenge

Another year, another chance at a new beginning.And that also means another year of travelling. Yay!

For those who have been wanting to create their travel fund but don't know where to start, you can use this 52-week money challenge which I got from

Pretty doable, because you start off at Php50 on the first week and add up at increments of Php50. Perfect for those who get their bonuses towards the end of the year. But, if you prefer to have it easier around the holidays, you can do a reverse challenge:

Remember, you can work with whatever budget you have- you can use smaller or bigger amounts, and you can also use this as guide for any other savings goals, like buying a new gadget or just building your savings.

I'm doing this challenge, too and I'm inviting you to do it with me. Here's to our success and a more financially-rewarding 2015!

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