Monday, November 01, 2010

You Know You're Old When...

1. You look for fish and vegetables for your meals.
I'm sure we all went through childhood being force-fed our greens. I remember I hated eating ampalaya or bitter melon, because it's, well, bitter. I would eat it with lots of rice until I couldn't even taste it. But after years of being shoved down my throat, I got used to it and eventually loved it.

And now living on our own, eating fast food and unhealthy stuff, has made me long for home-cooked fish and veggies. I don't remember feeling this way 10 years ago. I guess the older your body gets, the more it will look for nutritious food that will nourish its old bones and joints.

2. You meet up with friends and all you talk about is politics and current events.
When have weekend get-togethers with friends turned from all-night partying in a club to all-night gab fest in a coffee shop? Worse, topics have turned into old people stuff- news, politics, the economy. But the weird thing is I have begun to really enjoy discussing them. I think some invisible line has been crossed here.

3. You find teenagers very annoying.
They're the group of kids who try to dress and act as if they're older. Wanting to look cool, but end up looking like fools. They come in groups and 'talk' boisterously like they own the place.

I'm so mean, as if I've never been a teenager myself. Sure, I had my baduy moments as a teenager but of course, I was never this rude and annoying.

4. You know what the Dewey Decimal System is.
For those who don't know (young or old) the Dewey Decimal System is what's used in libraries to oganize books accodring to category: General References, Religion, etc. I just miss hanging out in the library, browsing through dusty bookshelves, searching for a good read. If you want to do research, you'd have to browse through all those books before you find what you were looking for. Now there's the Internet and Wikipedia, and it has made things much easier for the plagiarists. Tsk tsk.

5. You start hanging out with your parents
Lazy weekend afternoons are now spent malling with the folks, or just hanging out in the backyard. You now have conversations instead of arguments. You swap stories and talk about anything under the sun.

And that's when you begin to see them as who they are and not as your parents.

6. You turn on the radio and hear noise instead of music.
You don't care for Justin Bieber nor his girlish looks. You start looking for 80s and 90s songs, and say, "Now that's music!"

7. You are home on a Friday night.
'Nuff said.

P.S. This post was more than a month in the making. Gosh, the new job and environment is really affecting my creativity! Haha, yeah right.

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