Saturday, June 25, 2011

The 5 People You Meet in Commuter Hell

One of the things I hate most in the world is taking the public transportation. I mean, what's to love about pollution and absence of personal space? But ever since I got here, I had no choice but join the rest of the commuting public. To make my daily sacrifice bearable, I've resorted to (if not daydreaming) observing the people around me and I've noticed that almost everyone belongs to these 5 types:

1. Noddy

Noddy is that toy with springy neck so he looks like he's always nodding. If you don't know him, think animal toy with a wiggly head propped on a taxicab's dashboard.

Noddy's that passenger who immediately nods off to sleep as soon as he settles in his seat oblivious to everything that's going around him. But the amazing thing is, Noddys exactly know when to wake up. I think they have developed this sensor that alerts them when their stop is near.

There are worse kinds- the Leaning Towers and the Droolers- but thank goodness I've never sat beside them!

2. The Juicer

The jeepney or tricycle's full. The Juicer comes in, inserts between you and another passenger, and squeezes the life out of you. You try to scoot a few more inches lest he/she sits on your lap, and you're forced to sit half-assed in a very awkward position.

I mean c'mon, it's bad enough that you're sharing a cramped space with strangers early in the morning, and someone decides to squeeze in and leave you breathless, hanging onto dear life.

3. Mad Max

Dance or rock music's blaring from the speakers way too early in the morning. It's chest-thumpingly loud that I'm afraid that my heart might get confused with the different rhythm and it literally skips a beat.

And bad news for you if the jeepney doesn't have that string or button to signal the driver to stop and pull over. Then you'd have to resort to wild waving, beating your chest and shouting "Para!" at the top of your lungs just like Tarzan.

Worse yet, if the driver thinks he's in the Indy 500 and feels like racing against any vehicle on the road. It's particularly infuriating when they start driving off (at a maddening pace, mind you) before your ass even touches the seat or before you've properly alighted.

4. Deadma

Originating from the term 'patay (dead) malisya', the word means ignoring someone or something. These are the rude people who pretend they're busy or deaf or whatever, that won't even make an effort to turn around and reach out to pass your fare to the driver. I mean, how hard is it to raise your arm a bit and do something nice for a fellow human being? Those flabby arms need a little exercise every now and then, you know.

5. The Bulldozer

Or you can also call them bump cars. Whether you're walking on the right side of the walkway or just standing aside, they have no qualms in ramming down anyone blocking their crooked path.

Suffice to say, all these people have not made commuting for me any easier. But they definitely make my daily trips more 'interesting'.

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