Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Secret

This came at an unexpected time and from someone I’m meeting for the first time.

It was supposed to be another work day, it’s 2pm and I'm eagerly preparing for lunch. Then I was informed that a client was looking for me. I thought, she only has to sign one document so this will be quick. We talked about work for a few minutes, she signed, then we were walking out the office door.

Then she turned to me and asked, “Did Wootie tell you about the secret?”

It really wasn't a secret. She was talking about the video entitled "The Secret", which conveyed messages of hope, something that really inspired me. Inspiration and positivity, things I badly needed, haha.

She said that the universe is a mirror of ourselves; if are thoughts/actions are all negative, then we'll be experiencing negative things. The universe is very obedient, it gives us what we want. That's why if we want to get or achieve something, we should want it deeply and think/act as if that thing is already in our hands.

She also said that we shouldn't be afraid to pray for things, thinking we don't deserve it. The fact that we think we don't deserve it, then it won't probably be given to us. God didn't create us to suffer, He wants us to live life in abundance.

We talked about a whole lot more (including an answer to my not being single =p), but those were the main things we talked about. I totally agree with everything she shared with me. They even affirmed the things I heard in a Bo Sanchez talk a couple of months ago. Suffice to say, everything they told me really hit home. Let's just say that for this year, a positive and cheerful me, will be a work in progress

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